Bio about cyclist David McNamee
A short bio of who you are and your career so far
My name is David McNamee, I am british but based in Girona, Spain. I have been competing in triathlon since 2006 and moved to Ironman distance in 2015 and have competed in the last 5 IM World Championships.
Three greatest achievements in his career
- Bronze medal Hawaii 2018
- Bronze medal Hawaii 2017
- Ironman UK Champion

To know more about David McNamee
How did you start cycling / triathlon?: I started in a fun event on new years day in 2006 and shortly after joined a triathlon club.
Why do you continue with triathlon now?: I love the process of trying to improve and still feel that after all these years there is still areas to improve.
What was the most important race you´ve done to date?: Ironman World Championships.
What is you pre-race ritual?: Apart from a strong black coffee two hours before the start then that´s it.
What do you think about while cycling?: I think about the challenges ahead but also just about life in general and what I want to do.
What is your go-to training meal?: Before a hard session I like a simple pasta dish.
How do you recover after a tough cycling?: Usually with a recovery shake and 30 minutes in my normatec boots.
What son is your go-to for the cycling?: I never really listen to music while cycling.
Who is your favor cycling "team"?: The Huubwattbike track team. They bring a lot of fun to the sport but are committed to always finding ways to improve.

Apart from endurance sports: what is your passion?: I love reading about coaching and physiology. Plus, when I have time then I love to cook.
What was the best piece of cycling advice you ever received: That in the last part of an ironman leg strength is what is important.
What advice do you have for someone who wants to follow in your footsteps?: Follow your passion and always try to improve each day.
Why ROTOR? The quality of the equipment: After four years of being with ROTOR I have never had any training sessions where the powermeter never worked.
What´s your favorite ROTOR component and why?: The ROTOR 2INpower as it´s the most reliable powermeter I have ever used.